Sober Living in Springfield, Illinois
- Thiago Eleocadio
- 8 de julho de 2024
- Sober living
We are New England’s premier sober living provider, with homes across Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Maine. A $200 deposit is due when moving in, additional to your first week payment. But, I’m definitely open to hearing from other businesses or service providers who would be willing to provide those monitoring services at a reduced rate to defendants and the …
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The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous
- Thiago Eleocadio
- 4 de junho de 2024
- Sober living
This approach provides help to those suffering from addiction and other behavioral manifestations of poor health. Originating with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in the 1930s, it has since spread to address different addictions such as drug addiction, compulsive gambling, overeating and codependency. The 12 step model has helped many people overcome addictions to drugs, alcohol, and other destructive behaviors. About AA …
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They Are Sober, But Why Are They Jerks?
- Thiago Eleocadio
- 6 de março de 2024
- Sober living
When I drank, I used to sobriety sucks have guaranteed periods of relief from stress and worries and a little alcoholic joy. I know it was a false joy, and a false euphoria but I still miss it. Some people get there faster than others. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Their recovery is none of your business, and vice …
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Meth Overdose: Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment DrugAbuse
- Thiago Eleocadio
- 24 de janeiro de 2024
- Sober living
Methamphetamine, known as “meth” or “crystal meth,” is a highly addictive psychostimulant drug and the most widely used amphetamine-type stimulant. These symptoms can quickly escalate, potentially leading to heart attack, stroke, roofied meaning or organ failure. Understanding the root causes of meth overdose, recognizing the warning signs, and actively working toward prevention can help us mitigate its impact and protect …
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Surviving the Holidays While Staying Sober: A Personal Perspective
- Thiago Eleocadio
- 27 de novembro de 2023
- Sober living
Make your recovery meetings a priority, find time with friends who enrich you, and surround yourself with those who make you feel known and loved. The holidays can be a very lonely time for many. Depression spikes and relapses escalate during this season. Maintaining our connections to others is part of staying present and accountable for our recovery. The holidays …
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Staying Sober Long-Term: 8 Research-Proven Strategies for 2024
- Thiago Eleocadio
- 12 de outubro de 2023
- Sober living
In these programs, it’s customary to receive plastic chips as you progress to the one-year mark, at which time you receive a bronze coin. You may also need to change your route to work or home in order to avoid any triggers, or people, places, or things that make you want to use drugs or drink again. The use of …
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How to Recognize the Signs of Intoxication with Pictures
- Thiago Eleocadio
- 28 de setembro de 2023
- Sober living
People who abuse alcohol but aren’t physically addicted may experience the same signs and symptoms as people who have AUD. But people who abuse alcohol often don’t have the same cravings or need to drink that a person with AUD does. Instead, a person who abuses alcohol isn’t able to control their drinking when they do drink. Along with learning …
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25 Sobriety Gifts For Recovering Alcoholics Show Your Support
- Thiago Eleocadio
- 26 de janeiro de 2022
- Sober living
A sobriety gift is a kind gesture to honor the strength and dedication it takes to maintain sobriety after undergoing treatment. Recovering from substance use disorder or any behavioral addiction is no easy feat. Celebrating your friend or family member’s sober anniversary date shows your appreciation for their accomplishment and empowers them in their ongoing efforts to stay sober. The …
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The Ultimate Sober Anniversary Gift Guide
- Thiago Eleocadio
- 24 de janeiro de 2022
- Sober living
Along with art projects, there are a number of do-it-yourself kits that you can purchase for your loved one to help keep them occupied with something. Early sobriety is filled with feelings of boredom, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and more. If these issues are not dealt with properly, it can lead to a newly sober person falling back into their substance …
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