They Are Sober, But Why Are They Jerks?

sobriety sucks

When I drank, I used to sobriety sucks have guaranteed periods of relief from stress and worries and a little alcoholic joy. I know it was a false joy, and a false euphoria but I still miss it. Some people get there faster than others. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Their recovery is none of your business, and vice versa. The point is to find activities to fill the time and help you become a better person.

sobriety sucks

Sobriety Sucks

sobriety sucks

Because in every challenge, there is also an opportunity for growth. Alcohol CREATED the problems it was attempting to solve while NEVER solving them. To add insult to injury, alcohol made those very same problems WORSE, always with the promise that another drink was the solution. But I also think the uncomfortable parts of sobriety provide the biggest benefits. Our ability to survive our darker side, and push through despite it, is what makes us better and keeps us sober long term.

  • But complaining about it not being fair, and focusing on the injustice of it all will just make you feel down and make you more likely to fall deeper into the “poor me” trap.
  • You set a goal (sobriety), made a change, and invested in yourself (treatment).
  • Oh, and all these accurate memories.
  • I have faced my demons and dealt with them surely there’s a different way?
  • If I could tamp down the riot in my brain and stay sober, everything after that would be easier.

How do you get better in sobriety if you have no idea where to start?

If there is an alternative program to those that interest you, go for it. For those who aren’t into AA,  I recommend Annie Grace’s support programs. The actual recovery process of sobriety starts to get better around the 3-6 month mark, but the psychological recovery can take even longer. We usually start drinking alcoholically because we are trying to hide from something. They can feel overwhelming and like they will never end. Join Recovery Connection in sharing stories of hope and recovery.

Recovery Literature

sobriety sucks

It makes me feel like I am just an out-of-control person. Now that I don’t drink, I’ve been stripped of my alcohol-induced intelligence and infallibility. That’s why I talked so loud and repeated myself so often. I had a lot to say, and I was proud to bestow on everyone within earshot my slobbery wit and careless observations.

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sobriety sucks

You still have your “shit” to deal with, and maybe that never ends because, well, life. Some days you will persevere at embracing the suck, and on others, when you fail in some aspect. The person who drinks herself silly on a Friday night and posts self-deprecating posts on social media, hoping to find validation for the pain she’s in. Select a state to find options for rehab centers in your area.

  • They want to be there for you when you are struggling.
  • As someone who writes a self-help blog, I struggle with the self-help world.
  • There has to be a point that you can reach and become responsible in your choices to use or drink.
  • Prove to yourself that you can finish what you start and be reliable.

But complaining about it not being fair, and focusing on the injustice of it all will just make you feel down and make you more likely to fall deeper into the “poor me” trap. I’m left with a heroin addiction lot of sadness which meditation and MBSR doesn’t seem to address and which alcohol at least masked for me. I’m not going back to drinking but am looking for ideas on how to move forward. You’ll reach a point where you accept that there are some difficulties ahead of you, but you’re not afraid of them. You don’t feel defined by your past as strongly. Maybe you’ve been more positive lately.

Dealing With The Hard Stuff

sobriety sucks

How many relapses result from people thinking they can handle it by themselves? Where you go for that support is entirely up to you – there are many paths forward. But you have to go forward, and that’s not an easy direction. Sobriety forces you to rewrite your personal history.

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